What is The Filling Station?
The Filling Station is a contemporary vehicle for bringing Christian renewal and evangelism to the UK.
Our Biblical mandate is from Psalm 114: 8 ‘Who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water.’ We see the ‘pools’ described here as places of deep spiritual refreshment for the existing church bringing water into the hard dry areas. The ‘hard rock into springs’ represents the new spiritual life that occurs through evangelism.
The Filling Station from The Filling Station on Vimeo.
How does The Filling Station work?
Using monthly mid-week evening ‘celebration’ meetings held in non-church venues we have seen Christian communities grow in depth & numbers where a Filling Station has been opened. The Filling Station offers high quality speakers and teachers, contemporary sung worship and powerful, accessible prayer ministry. Within meetings personal testimonies, led group prayer and networking also takes place.
Our mid-week meetings are designed to be overtly spiritual but presented in a manner that those outside the existing church would feel comfortable in experiencing. Meetings are held on a monthly basis and aim to be short, sharp and focussed in character. We find many people meet God through them and their faith is built up. Many church leaders find them an excellent addition to their existing local efforts.
The Filling Station is not a new independent church movement, rather a model of how existing churches can work together to bring new spiritual life to their areas and in the process bring many people to faith in Jesus Christ. One of our fundamental principles is to promote Christian unity. As it says in Psalm 133: 1 ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! … for there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life for evermore.’
The Filling Station works with existing churches to bring new Christian life to an area. The Filling Station Trust has been set up to facilitate any local group wishing to start a meeting in their part of the world. We can provide human and practical resources, guidance on how to establish a successful local meeting, liaison with your local clergy, background prayer support, prayer ministry training workshops plus tried & tested speakers for meetings. We have a mandate to help any group wishing to start a Filling Station in the UK & Europe.
Are you feeling spiritually dry and wanting more? Perhaps a Filling Station meeting is the answer. Do get in touch as we would love to help.
For more information, please read The Filling Sation Website